Thursday, January 19, 2012

"Good Things Don't End Unless They End Badly"

My favorite line of the Bachelor or Bachelorette ever was a line said by Ben (the current bachelor) to Ashley after she told him she didn't want to merry him, and when he was leaving like any normal person would have she asked him why he had to leave this way.

"Good things don't end unless they end badly" 

This is all that he replied as he got on the boat and left the island. It is right up there with "I might not be able to play the guitar, I might not be able to break dance, but daddy can suck a mean foot!" which Luke and I correctly identified unlike my sister Kelsey (Maybe one of the greatest Bachelor nights ever!)

It might sound weird and strange that I will openly admit, as a 21 year old guy, that I watch the Bachelor, but truth be told I find the show hilarious and enjoyable. Picture one guy dating 20 girls at once or vice versa. Naturally there is always a bunch of drama, funny drunk moments because they never stop drinking, and plenty of awesome places they go to (and A LOT of pretty women).

Now taking applications for next seasons The Bachelor (Italian Style) starring Nate Borowitz
I started watching the show back in the day with my mom and sisters on Monday nights, and then it evolved into the neighbor ladies coming over and joining us, and then Luke and Lucie, and now it is a legitimate event each week when I am back in the states. We start it at 8:30 as to skip all of the commercials, my mom either makes some brownies, cookies, ice cream, or popcorn, and we all gather around to watch 15 people think they are falling in love with someone they barely know. AND I LOVE IT!!

However since I have been here in Italy I have not had my regular Monday night rituals, but rather have just tried to stay on top of watching at some point each week. BUT!!! This week I was walking home with a few of the new girls from this semester and as we were talking about what we had planned that night I mentioned watching the Bachelor, and what do you know; NEW WEEKLY PLANS! We had the girls over that night, and we had our own little Italian style party while we watched it. We supplied the wi-fi and wine and they supplied the limoncello and cookies!! It was really fun for me because it was like being back home; we talked about what was going on and laughed at the funny stuff.

Watching The Bachelor in our apartment
PS - I totally called him not giving out the final rose this week!!

Kacie Boguskie (my favorite this season)
Emily Maynard
I am now looking forward to Tuesday evenings when the girls come over, we will have dinner and watch the Bachelor fall in love (the season is set in a full timeline of about 3-4 months)! As for my prediction this season because I didn't get to write down the top 5 on the paper like we always do, I will say this; If Ben doesn't select Kacie Boguskie (above) then he is an idiot. She is by far the best girl in the show this season, and in my opinion would make the best match with him. She reminds me a lot of my favorite person who was ever on the show; Emily Maynard (right).

I have always said that the day I turned 21 I was going to sign up and go on this show, and the truth is that although I already turned 21 and haven't filled out the application ITS NOT OVER!! I am totally going to sign up!! I already know the perfect entrance for anyone to make a good impression without showing up wearing a mask, playing an instrument, or the newest; riding in on a horse! I have just decided that I am going to wait until I am 25 and successful and then force them to let me be the next bachelor!

Below are some of my all-time favorite contestants on the Bachelor or Bachelorette!

Jeff the masked man
The man with the foot fetish
Wes: Final 4 with a girlfriend
Jillian from Canada

Ali if you are still out there call me!

Jake... Maybe if you didn't cry so much and opened your eyes you would have picked someone better than Vienna!
Chris Harrison "The final rose... whenever you are ready"
Shawntel: shout out to my Chico friends

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