Monday, November 21, 2011

Stockholm, Sweden

This weekend Gabe, Matt, and I went to Stockholm, Sweden. It was an absolutely awesome experience, and I really enjoyed myself. Stockholm was not only an amazing city, but the people of Sweden were really cool as well. These are some of the highlights of the trip (excluding one of the greatest nights of my life!! - it needs to be a post on its own, so be looking for that tomorrow as well!)

This is Gabe and Matt at the cafe we ate at the first night! The food was amazing (if you go to Sweden you MUST eat the meatballs with jam), but if you look closely you can see a lady in the background. She was super helpful in telling us where to go during the day, but also at night so that we could have an awesome experience, and an awesome experience is exactly what we had!

This is a picture during the changing of the guards that happens at The Royal Palace that happens in Stockholm. Right before these two men walked out the leader (who spoke the whole time so you knew what was going on) announce "The Swedish Army Band!". This was not the first wave... this was the whole band! On a side note though, the changing of the guards was actually a really cool thing to watch, and if you are in Stockholm you should go check it out!

This is a photo that I took at 13:14:10 (1:14 PM) in Stockholm. The fact that our shadows were so long because the sun was already starting to go down brought up a very interesting conversation between us. At one point Gabe made the statement of why do some of the best cities and civilizations call the worst parts of the world home (aka why can't Stockholm be by the Equator and have it nice and warm there!). Regardless I think I will enjoy the 18 hours of sunlight a day in the summer if I go back next semester!

The rest of the photos are just photos of buildings, parks, city squares, and then the three of us in our new scarves. Stockholm is an AMAZING city, and I would suggest to anyone in Europe, or ever traveling to Europe, to take the time and go visit it!
Central Station Stockholm.
Buildings and Train Yard.
Matt, Gabe, and I in our new scarves.

Building in downtown
A main square in downtown Stockholm.

Awesome park in downtown Stockholm.
Reflection of some buildings.

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