Monday, March 12, 2012

Spring Break

This video has nothing to do with my blog post, but just a bit of musical flavor that I have been into lately! Enjoy listening to it while you read this blog post about my spring break plans.

You may or may not know that my college experience was about as nontraditional as possible (in my opinion). My freshman year of college I was still a senior in high school. My sophomore and junior years I was going to school two days a week, working full time four days a week, and living at home. And this year, being my senior year, I am studying abroad in Italy.

This also means that I never took part in most of those "traditional" college experiences. One of those experiences is the crazy thing called "spring break" where all college students get the idea that you need to go to Panama or another beach and drink all day and all night and be drunk for the entire week. I am not saying that is isn't fun, in fact I can't say it because I have never done it, but I am saying that it was never appealing to me! So rather I did other things; visit friends at college, relax at home, pick up more hours at work, or even SLEEP... a lot.

Ironically I had planned to spend my last spring break, as a college student, in Greece this year, but with the political and economic unrest that Greece is going through right now I decided not to go. Rather, I will be spending spring break in the same great place that I spent Christmas; at my professors house in Saluzzo. It is about as nontraditional as my college experience, but I am actually looking forward to it.

I never had a brother (although sometimes my younger sister does a great job at being a replacement, its just not the same) and so when I go to their house I have a chance to hang out with 3 boys! We tend to play a lot of soccer outside, shoot fake guns inside, and its always an intensive fight on who will be sitting where at dinner (I was informed last time that there are only two seats next to Nate and 3 boys!). The funny thing is that although this is supposed to be a "break", I am almost guaranteed to come back more exhausted than when I leave today, but I wouldn't have it any other way.

I find it interesting sometimes that people can be so similar, but at the same time be attracted to completely different things. I have never had any true desire to spend my spring break like that, but a lot of my friends here and in the states do it every single year. This is also similar to the fact that everyone is surprised that I have turned down the chance to go to Amsterdam twice, and I skipped out on Oktoberfest.

I am not saying that I don't go out here, don't have fun, don't drink, because that would be a lie. However what I am trying to say is that for me the idea of spending time with "family" (or as close as it gets here in Italy) is far more appealing than other options.

Here are some funny "spring break" photos that if you have a student in college and they are at a beach this weekend... well lets just say it probably looks something like this!! It is not that I am better than any of these people, or that what they are doing is wrong, but rather that I have never had the desire to do this, and so for me a week with the boys sounds more appealing to me.

SIDE NOTE: I think I will be working here in Italy this summer in either a vineyard or the fruit fields. Yes, I will have graduated college at 21 with a really solid GPA, and yes I should go out and find a "real" job, but that is just the thing. At 21 I feel like I have a year or two to do the things that I want to do, and experience the things that I want to experience, and working in a vineyard in Italy for a summer is one of those things!!!

Hope you have a great spring break, whatever that may look like for you, and I will write you all about my adventures on Friday.

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